Hawk-Eye Technology used in Bears vs Packers  Thursday Night Football

Bears vs Packers  Thursday Night Football .. Final Waiting..

Well We Talk About the technology The Game Was Only about  American flags and  “USA- USA”


Hawk-Eye Technology

Q : what is Hawk-Eye Technology ?

Ans : It was invented by Dr Paul Hawkins. The system being developed by the UK company Hawk-Eye

” Hawk-Eye ” name itself describe its purpose. Hawk-eye is the name of a program which consists computer software and Six camera (The Hawk Eye uses a camera taking 600 frames a second ) system which traces a ball’s trajectory.

These  six specially placed cameras around the ground can track the path of the ball  .The information received from all the cameras are then processed by a powerful computer in 3D on a virtual pitch and the output is very accurate.

Hawk-Eye is 99.99% accurate .

It is Now used in every Game  From DRS  & LBW in cricket To Rugby League.



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